Q: What is Worlds of Curls Pudding?
A: Our WOC pudding is an effective curl activator loaded with all kinds of essential elements. Based with Milk Protein and Honey, this pudding goes on slightly thick, but remains astoundingly lightweight. The sweet honey fragrance is a nice touch, but won’t have a voluble lingering smell. This non-flaking pudding enhances curls while leaving your hair soft and full of shine.
Q: Is Worlds of Curls only for African American hair?
A: No. Our goal is to create a product that satisfies your hair care needs. Because products differs according to your hair type, we strongly suggest you research all products to find the best fit for your hair type. Our product works best on hair with texture in it (transitioning, natural, texturized, etc).
Q: How can I find the ingredient list for Worlds of Curls?
A: Ingredient lists can be found on the back of each individual container of Worlds of Curls products.
Q: Does Worlds of Curls have an expiration date?
A: You can tell when the product was made by looking at the last part of the code to determine when the product was manufactured. Example – product with code 36TA 14005 would have been filled on the fifth day of 2014.
Q: Is Worlds of Curls safe enough to use on Children’s hair?
A: Yes. Worlds of Curls is a moisturizing cream but amplifies as a styling cream. It has a hydrating formula that works best for adding moisture as well as key components to soften and grow natural hair.
Q: I have a Jeri Curl. Can I use Worlds of Curls products if I’m not 100% natural?
A: Absolutely. You can use the Worlds of Curls Pudding, however be mindful that a Jerri curl is a chemical process that has to be steeped in a wet setting (activator). Fortunately, Worlds of Curls has activators for dry and normal hair that awakens naturals curls and waves while adding moisture.
Q: What other products does Worlds of Curls have?
A: Worlds of Curls has a pudding that enhances your natural curl pattern, activator gels to alleviate dryness while adding moisture, softness and shine and nutrient/moisture rich edge gels that provides supreme hold and a glossy shine.